(from L-to-R: alex, ronald, youwen, lionel, calvin, guizhong, ah yang, alwin, lin ming, ken)
me n nana in e front =)
I wanted to devote an entry since thurs but due to e OT everyday i was far too tired to write...
so here i am writing a entry on the nicest colleagues i worked with so far..tho it's e toughest but it is simply e best working experience i had..
yesterday fri we ended off the last day of working together (me n nana continued till mon to finish up e rest of e pallets-so far i heard e amount we did are safe)..e last 2 wks since we were all working as a big grp we grown really close..gossiping n teasing each other n blasting music to keep us entertained thru our OT days..even tho we worked really late..i am glad we hav bonding sessions like lunching tog n dinner snacking in pantry..it's reallly so fun to hear the guys kept talking cok to keep us entertained..not to mention sabotaging each other haha...
today we gone to work in a very sian mood..main reason our big gang is no longer there n we gotta faced a grp of perms whom we spent most time gossiping ab hah..their jokes really not on same freq as us so v hard to laugh..esp hokkien jokes i doubt nana understands..but seriously if they pia..they worked as fast as 6 Calvins (if u know wad i mean)..gim mo oso super garang..but i am sure they understand how tiring n tedious our jobs are now..left monday till we say final good bye to popular warehse...
there are simply too many nice memories at the work space when we returned today..i shan't laugh at ppl cracking childish jokes cos tat left e deepest impression..examples are ronald n barbie changing lyrics of e songs, lionel's impressive tagging skills...
i shall summarize the most vivid memories of each of all my colleagues
Starting with CT -our little sister in e grp, came back fr aust n harassed by barbie
Lionel aka lion- our little bro in our grp..v gentle speaking, artistic n great at fortune and character telling
Ronald- NDU aka sweet talk expert, auntie killer
Ken aka barbie- e most frequent F word user, entertained us with all his funny army jokes n his history of mischief
G. Zhong aka ah gui- NUS chinese major n my soon-to-be classmate, leader of our grp n a super big eater haha
Calvin aka chiongster- fellow HSS sch mate major in economics, super hardworking n efficient worker in our team, oh he really can take sweet stuff well
You Wen- e la ke in our team..pro at using e jacks to pull our pallets..fast tagger too..
Alwin- Soon to be NUS student i think i hardly talk to him cos he is so soft spoken..dunno much ab him >.<
Lin Ming aka kayaker- NUS soon to be student too, he is so shy beside u-know-who!! smart guy..RI n RJ boy O_O
Finally Nana aka pei wo kan ri chu aka lao shi(muz high-pitched)- haha fellow classmate leh..gd friends in uni..got to know her better n quite impressed w her unique character..friendly w everyone n everybody likes her esp e warehse tiger (source of trouble? hehe) ..as for me..i got various names called wrongly by barbie..like weiqi n weiting -.-'''
did i miss out anyone? anyway i really miss working w u guys..hope we can really stay in touch k? to talk cok or wad..we are really one unique combi of ppl..