Friday, December 16, 2005

The Promise

Today spent 8 bucks on this movie, cast by nicholas tse, zhang bo zhi and zhang dong jian..

This show is about this orphan little gal who was starving during war time and had to steal food from dead ppl in order to survive..the man-shen (goddess) gave her 2 choices: to be the same, or to live in riches and men adoring over her but in exchange, she will never find true love the little gal chose the latter option..Zhang dong jian acted as Kunlun who was a slave bought by the famous general in crimson armour. Kunlun was from the Land of Snow and born with the talent to run..he can even out-run time to go back to years before..he aided the general to victory in a battle of 3000 army against the 20000 barbarians...

As the general was badly injured by the assassin, sent by the North Duke (cast by nic tse) so the general sent Kunlun to dress as him and save the king..the North Duke surrounded the palace in order to get Lady Qingcheng...but in the end Kunlun came, killed the king and save Lady Qingcheng (who was the little gal) instd...they were chased till the edge and Kunlun in order to exchange Lady Qingcheng's freedom, jumped over the cliff and into the big waterfall...she was super touched by him and since fallen in love with him...but North Duke did not let her go but cage her in a big wooden cage and even made her wear a feather coat...

Well this is the part where i think is most interesting and hav a decent plot...the costumes are very pretty of cos and the effects are great...but without seeing the subtitles i cannot understand wad the actors are saying..esp Korean actor...the clarity is really bad...other than tat the rest of the movie is about how the men adore over Lady Qingcheng and how she gets captured and escape again..then finale is the main cast killed one another..their dialogue is really lame and too much it juz loses the whole mood of the movie..such a pity..the guys are either too gay or too lustful and zhang bo zhi is rather bitchy and her make-up sux...she's alr so fair and they made her face white as a ghost...i can see the faces of the ppl are so sian diaoz after the show haha...i think the ending is quite bad cos i cant even rem alr!! Wasted my 8 bucks....X(

1 comment:

flip_flop_lollipop said...

haha... i just watched it today. i think this movie is ok if u need a good laugh, if not... hmm...