Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Reflections on 2008
I shld reflect the dumb things i done for the past 1 yr..
firstly, the horrible results i got for the past one yr (think i already exhausted my intelligence in my wrong major =.=)
unfortunately for my forgetfulness, I still made a stupid blunder in game juz so recently that I cant possibly forget.
hugePOP (u stinky poop) i will never forget u for my whole life in maple,
cos u scammed my beloved equipments, esp my fairfrozen and my rose earring.
I will make ur blog hell and if u ever change ur blog address i will spam ur email till you regret the dirty things u done to me.
u bleached my trust and quitted guild. I will trace u if u ever log in.
May u break up with your gf, account banned and eat shit in army.
As for myself, the new yr,
I will look forward to earning for a new pinaka, leech more skele
and treasure those who are truly my friends.
Finish my FYP beautifully and go for a nice grad trip
and get a good job. amituofo~
Monday, December 29, 2008
Class Gathering on 1st Jan 2009
12pm @ IMM Swensens (no reservation is allowed on PH so might have a change of venue)
After lunch, we will be proceeding to Alvin's place to chill out and finish up the snacks we left on Xmas eve (will have beer and titbits)
Confirmed list of people coming:
Yan Yun
Cheung Kit
Zhong Hong
Yun Foong
Myself (coordinator)
TBC ppl:
Huishan (down with gastric flu, so wish her speedy recovery)
Yujie (co-hosting new yr eve program, may not wake up on time)
and Nat (never give any reason, so those who are bored, pls bug her and ask her to come)
ok time to rest from overdue coke poisoning ~~
Friday, December 26, 2008
Maple "Suuuu" $$ Trilogy
Example, buy 4 x 10k acash + $99 to get a set of mini plushies
Second, Sure win treasure chest
Requirement: Spend at least $168 to get 1 chance, big prize is 42 inch LCD TV
the rest is hamper of chips, big plushies, audition cushions and calendar
Third and final "Suuuu"
Real cash auction for in-game items (it was officially said to use acash vouchers to purchase, but isn't the same as using real money?? =.=)
lvl 110 dragon items with 5x10% passed..left 2 slots
starting bid 50k cash
First item bid price dragon staff ma15X= 600k acash
Din stay for the rest, since it bound to be draggy n shot sky rocket
the star of the night shld be dragon bow..godly stats in addition to SE20 T____T
Refer to the picture below to see the actual auction taking place

The amount of ppl going to be "suuu-ed"

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Xmas~~~
and forget F** for a time being..
I guess we all are grown-ups now..alcohols are always appearing at our every outings (lately =.=)
I think i wun be able to drink alcohols very well, for the very fact tat I dun like alcoholic smell or taste at all..
Coke is a much better option for me haha..
Thanks Alvin for letting us use his house for this yr's xmas gathering..
sorry tat we all dun really sing very well and the guys are more into movie mood than singing karaoke haha..
More worried now tat my "son" is turning into a alcoholic..
I think you drank more alcohol than soft drink huh..'s only fun with u guys around on xmas
Let the class spirit carry on yay~~~
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Why am i stuck with working on FYP when ppl dun reply my emails and appeals for help?
I think GH is gonna suan me for my disappearing act again..
but i am drafting 2 chapters for her k? Planning to send her by nxt wk..
Seeing ppl's tutors' valuable information, i feel like i am on my own working on somewhat similar to my linguistics project work..
Only big problem is..i still dunno how to tabulate my results..
Screwed >.<
If only some nice business major friends can help me
No results no table = no analysis
As my parting words for this post:
Keanu Reeves shld not attempt to speak any Chinese AT ALL TY.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Bad Mood
Why shld i even bother planning in advance when it's easily forgotten
Bake and go..feels like a baking maid doesn't it, doesn't even hav time to rest or even hav a proper dinner
Why do i storm off everytime and you will let me go
Even more obedient than a dog
Grats ur silence exceeds mine, so much tat it pisses me off instd
Guess i'm juz a nobody to worth ur efforts,
someone to be mocked at and replaced in times to come
Monday, December 08, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Penang Cuisine: Seafood Feast @ Ocean Green
my cousin pre-ordered the dishes for the 12 of us as supper (before tat we were having a light dinner at a open-air hawker place) will be up soon..
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Bye SG
wasn't too excited about it, now not even looking forward
mayb it will bring peace and quiet without my presence
mayb i will arrive in penang with swollen eyes and huge headache
on the verge of falling sick yet someone made it worse..
ya it's all about me, myself
selfish person i am
if apologies work, why do we need police for?
think about ur stupid actions
"it's all my fault then"
fine way of pacifying..
Bye bye
-peace and quiet for the next 4 days-
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Free Meal
tat someone is my bf keke..
First the plastic incident at the famous franchise ramen shop
he got a brand new bowl of ramen after eating half of it already..
this time it's a moving bug in cha soba in my fav jap restaurant!
it's juz a small insect, nevertheless alive, in this newly renovated restaurant..
i ate half of it and din realise anything (prob i already eaten it) before my bf took the 2nd half..
he discovered it with a super sian-diao face..
Bad-attitude-me has put on a good show on giving black face n dun talk to the manager
i persuaded my bf to demand free meal..(cos the worst kind of compensation is to hav a 2nd helping of the food)
too bad it's not tat generous of them to cancel off the full meal costs but she cancelled off the price of the soba..
but at the cashier, the store manager (apparently higher-ranked) tried to appease us by apologising more profusely for spoiling our appetite (i did finish off my salmon don with ease ^^)
then dunno izit on purpose or he was juz not paying attention..he keyed in price for soba n cancelled off the salmon don instead..
(fyi: e salmon don costs $5 more exp than soba)
Hence with our $20 voucher, we not only dun hav to pay extra, we can even top up with desserts for the remaining sum of money..
not bad not bad at all wahahaha =)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Exam over!!
2 papers for this semester only muahaha..
ok la..dun wanna gek other ppl but well before i really got into exam mood, it's already over..
this means..i cant run away from FYP any longer!! ahhhh...
ok i shall give myself a little break to maple n play to my fill tonight then tmr shall prepare stuff to meet gh on Wed..
Seriously..her praises are making me feel suspicious tat she is juz taking the easy way out F3...
before i ended, juz wanna say tat suki's new revamped menu (tho more exp 18.99++/each) is much nicer, with the mussels mentai(baked mussels with special cheese topping) and enoki bacon (jin zhen gu mushroom wrapped w bacon) are the must-trys..Yummy~
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
OMG super super high...

Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
很容易词穷的 OK, 尤其这是你访问的 N 档的鸡饭
格式是我定的,照片是我拍的 (普通的数码相机而已咯)
请拭目以待 =)
另外我们在回味,当时我还在OMY 时吃的大餐
虽然video 写上是我编辑,其实我一点功劳也没有
都是剪辑师的妙手而成,我只是跟去吃好料 xD
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I need..
2) Finalize my survey and record, edit(if possible) my sound clips before this wk
3) Start my trial survey
4) Find alot of ah tiongs for my survey before they disappear during exam period
5) Finish up my HG 232 project due nxt mon 20/10
Gosh my time is tight!! ahh..anyone knows any free software where i can clip my sound files in mp3 format?
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Take Care Chou~

Sunday, September 28, 2008
我也知道~~~ (忘词 =.=)
1 wk break is over!!! how can?!?!
I havent even slack enough, tho it initially feels no different from my normal days =P
but no need to go for ah pek's torturing 3hrs lesson is quite a luxury lor..
havent done much tho..
mayb i shld try juz try to finish up my 450 assignment, alter my fyp questions, and study 450 notes..
aiyo so slack..罪过罪过 >.<
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
命中注定我愛你 EP12 part 5
Boo...cry like mad for this part..
Cried my eyes out O____O
if u havent watch better dun see this part..ultimate spoiler
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Bye bye Shishir
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
今天终于去 Jurong Point 的“日本一条街”逛逛
忍不住和PQ同学分享了salmon maru
Friday, August 22, 2008
Food food food
anyway my official lesson days are on mon n thurs afternoon only but i might spend the rest of the days "soaking" in library..
still feeling quite screwed for confidence bleahz
hmm..but then i feel i ought to inform ppl about a few nice places to eat if you not feeling good..
nice food can brightens up your day =)!!
1) Marutama -ramen shop @ The central
please try the original (no spicy) first k..strongly recommended by nana n me
Queenstown Hawker Centre (near queenstown lib)
Actually there are a few very good stalls to try
1) Sin Kee Chicken Rice on the 2nd Floor
2) Jiaozi (steamed n fried both nice) on the 2nd Floor too
3) Fried Chay Kway Tiao 1st Floor - if you like slighly wet n not too sweet style, this sure suits your taste, other than that you can find no less than 10 cockles in a plate for $3
as it's SUPER POPULAR stall sure to queue earlybut then e uncle muz see mood then open..but normally it's ard 5pm juz dun go on a monday to play safe =)
Thats all for now..i am hungry already!!
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Nana's Wedding <3 ~~
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
~*+ Level 120 4th Job +*~

Woo my yobo's mega and the music tat they danced for me in Rm18..
Super cute!! (nana as yellowpaper, huat as erecniso) Als joined in the fun.. mega-ed
and the weather in dungeon~ (hunting for skill quest)
Taa-daa~~ Hello Dark Knight (horny beholder hohoho)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
S06 Steamboat Dinner @ TianTian
Friday, July 25, 2008
half the time i am croaking away cant hit high notes..
unlike someone whose voice can ring my ear drums O_o
all i can say is.. the two teacher-to-be are unleashed yest..
very ultra bimbotic..very O____________O
no pictures to show.. anw oso 不堪入眼 >.<
Monday, July 21, 2008
Final Day at SPH
so here are some photos, enjoy!
the OMY sign!! my department hehe
SPH official photo
left: rongtai (v noisy guy), huijun, zixin, my lunchtime buddies woohoo~
Zaobao! take for's actually beside OMY
Mavis, my 接班人, been squeezing in with me for 1 wk..
cramped like siao >.<
Dinner at shokudo!! sushi looks nice hor..the unagi is not bad..
juz abit pricey 4pcs like tat 5bucks The infamous David Gan pose~
The finale~ M1 kuku pose!!
all my lunch time buddy mates hohoho ( consists of ST701, Cultural Developmt n OMY ppl)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
First Guild outing!!
not their first..
link to my guild blog for latest photos..
i lazy to upload here again
(takes freaking long =.=)
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
Huat's Lvl 70!!

Waiting for ah huat to restart her com..she took AGES to relog in..
(i can hear her say "WEIIIIIIII")

The unsuspecting group photo..(actually i asked nana to log in)

The surprise banner!!! (xxsunnywizxx is my D mage char)

see how shocked everyone were....esp huat..

as usual my yobo always think of my pocket ^^

Da beauties of Delphinus!! (from left: nana, huat, me, mingyong)
First Assignment with Camera Crew
My MRT food hunt has been me solo-ing all the time and it's very tiring and get quite lost sometimes..
Went with the super nice ah lun who is willing to guide me with wad's happening and of cos always feed me n serving me with nice food..muz really thank him for such an opportunity..nxt few sats will be other interns' turn so i guess they will eat nice food too..
As for me, the meeting place couldnt be better, it's at vivo swensens at 11am lo..
i woke up at 10am still can go in time hehe..
After filming the dessert (tat's my first dish of the day -.-)
we shared the giant earthquake, plus additional choco n chewy choco ice cream complementry on the house..
of cos we got to eat the free salad bar in additional to ice cream..
i am not exactly a big fan of ice cream..not on an empty stomach for my first meal of the day anyway..
so i tried their salad, they even hav raw white oyster mushrooms as salad which taste good juz adding abit of casear salad sauce ^^..oso there are nice potato n pasta salad..
the guy from zaobao coordinator ate more ice cream than i can imagine..
(funny, guys tend to hav more sweet tooth than gals now O_o)
the nxt stop was at tien court (havelock rd)
which serves super good braised trotters with mee sua..
the rest are herbal soup n cod fish..okok la (usually food gets cold by the time we finished filming)
the final stop (usually per stop we used ard 90mins so it's pretty rushed)
is at shangri-la barnacles..dun be deceived by the interior cos the restaurant oso serves chinese cuisine..
wad is really impressive is the dessert and the giant seafood platter..
it's as big as a face basin, mountain of ice with giant lobsters, crabs prawns and all the shells u can think of...
me n tat ice cream guy stared in awe at the "basin"
we couldn't finish so i tabao-ed some crab parents quite happy haha
recommended dish is the ice cream in the biscuit balls (i think there's a term for it) with hot chocolate sauce..taste really really good..and the biscuit wun get soggy even after the ice cream melted..
after eating all day..i went back home n napped for 3hrs O____o
Thursday, July 03, 2008
竟遇到了Popular 的旧同事,自从她MC一天然后就不回来作苦工,已经一年了
另外更见鬼的是,偶在 NJ side gate 的 bus stop 转车,
然后就无惊无喜平安回到这里blogging 哈!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
8th week 趴兔 (part 2)
i am stoning in office or rather quite busy la..
Juz yesterday i was out at lakeside area and chinese garden mrt area to look for food to take photos
better experience than jp cos at least the ppl willing to share and talk to me..
nevertheless u gotta overcome the weird stares tat ppl will give u when u walk around surveying the areas and taking down notes..
My first obstacle is always getting started to talk to ppl ab their opinions
2nd obstacle is getting my fat ass up to talk to the stall holders and request to take photos..
the first obstacle has always left me quite drained..
2nd part is easier and i am always offered food which of cos i din eat all..
surprisingly i will get very full once i start work..(sick of the work probably)
but i feel i am more confident in talking to ppl now..and of cos more tactics to talk to different ppl..some nice ah ma i can sai nai abit u know (pq teach me one)
tmr i am going to jp to finish up banquet cos i hadn't been authorized to take photos in the premises..and start abit on's a scary place with 5 kopitiams!!
i think i will only clear JE nxt wk..
this sat i will be going with ah lun (refer to OMY Eat section) to 3 restaurants which i most likely can sample top quality food haha..
ok my main purpose is to take down some info and when i come back i can edit the videos into 3 clips and put up on our webbie..
i am very excited cos i will be going to shangri-la Sentosa!! man..this is so close to home too ^^
due to sat fri is an off-day..gonna meet nana-san n eat the famous laksa stall owned by the HSS laksa prince's father haha..
i wanna see how good is his chinese with 要蛤吗?
so nxt wk will be very busy for me too..
mon full day desker duty (aka put up news), tue full day editting, wed desker again, thurs n fri going JE to clear my food hunt assignment..
Yup will be exciting finally..
hope my last 2wks will be fulfilling
Monday, June 30, 2008
8th week~ Part 1
alot of things happened..thankfully it had ended well..
shall blog about the happier stuff..
which as usual nice food cheers me up..
had alot of nice nice salmon for a meal at ichiban last sat..YUMMY!!
(mainly cos my pay is finally in and i am not reduced to poverty)
then sunday was the anticipated maple bdae bash..which was a big disappointment..
actually ever since the ppc value for the redemption items are out it's been very much an appetite-killer..the stuff there are sooo cheapo and the MIC plushie costing 14mil acash..(in real cash is ard $14k)
which is no wonder someone decided to go pc bunk and buy a cargo for $80 in order to vent his frustration..we cant even get a not-so-kiddish pc decal haix...
ok lunch time~
shall continue with my updates after tat..when i am free =)
Monday, June 23, 2008
7th Week (the boring title will continue ><)
probably will still continue as free-lance if the food series goes well..
Starting tmr will be heading to Boon Lay area to research on the food stalls..
(aww the word "research" is such a sensitive word bleahz..reminds me of STH zzz)
Monday 不入~
Starting of the week i am feeling very hungry right in the morning..
due to my unfilling (but still nice) dinner last night..met up with my JC gang of friends yest at city hall but we went marina's MOF for dinner..
due to the last min arrangement by hf, so me, alvin, zh, yf turned up..
as usual HF (organiser somemore) will always be the latest despite i was late for 20min haha..think no one bothers to be on time's HF u know..
other than the very nice salmon bento (pathetic small serving) and 5 different desserts to share, all very yummy..we all updated our happenings..
hf being the most "updated" and ba gua (aka gossipy) told us tat
one, shishir is coming back in Aug (whyyyyy our sch reopen u know >two, our hong ge is attached!!!
three, alvin sang for an outdoor performance (O____O wah....)
then, topic diverted to..
alvin going tokyo (again!) and refused to treat us for dinner..
yf has someone he fancy in his office (hf drilling him during dinner)
and of cos the details of how hong ge met his gal hehe..
our finale,
our class nv fail to do stupid stuff when we are out together..
rememeber the times we hid behind the tree or the electric box so tat shishir couldn't find us..
we still love our hide-and-seek gig haha..
this time our target was hf, she got the most entertaining reaction haha..
we sat on the 2nd floor and directed hf to walk in circles (1st floor outside puma shop)..all were watching show and laughing away haha..
till she finally spotted us and coming up..we still hid in times bookshop..
of cos all will kena her beatings (alvin the worst) once she found us..
we had a great laugh =))))))
(i bet if nat was there..she will be the one walking in circles w HF)
A happy way to end my weekend haha
other than tat..nxt sun is the maple bdae bash!!
you know where to find me ^^ and i got the golden tix!!
anyone who still got maple or asiasoft (includes cabal too) prepaid card pls give me if possible k..
i wanna redeem some plushies or in-game goodies..
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
6th Week~
Think it shld be in by thurs..n i am really looking forward to the jump in my bank account ^^
Went to chomp chomp ate last sat and still very happy with the quality of food served there..spent 26bucks for satay, prawn mee, lala in chili sauce, chicken wings, kueh pie tee, sugar cane and grass jelly drink!!
Wanted to eat mushroom park but the cheapest set with the on-stove pot is 26.80+++ i think..(envy liwen who stays soo near ><)
Sunday went to suntec for the yearly crazy PC fair to buy my portable HDD..
it's slim and light (2.5") n costs 120bucks for 250GB..
now all i need is to find a stylo bag to put the HDD in (sth like peter's but of cos muz look nicer)
despite the crazy weather now..i still feeling like eating steamboat and durian..
anyone can plan any outing on weekends plssss??
I am pretty bored..still uploading recipes online..
oh well hope i get to do some reporting or articles writing..
wasting my talent here bleahz
PS: if u wan to see wad lanbong prez i gave teewei..pls link to his blog
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Weird incident
there was only one bus and the bus juz drove as per it's weirder at the thought of yest..
even if it is going to depot if ppl dun alight he still has to stop the bus ah..
Today i was changing bus from queensway back home..
then 2 195 everyone at the bus stop took the first one n i saw the 2nd bus juz overtook our bus..
then dunno why my bus driver drove really fast n had to brake quite hard due to the traffic light..i vaguely feel tat he was trying to overtake the other 195..despite his efforts to drive fast, he had to stop due to the number of traffic lights n ppl alighting along depot road..the previous 195 was nowhere to be seen..
then finally came the last straw, the driver took the convenience of the red light and took off the number board from the front of the bus and turned over the number plate at the side of the bus.. i am really puzzled..
he can juz stop and dun pick up passengers??
another puzzling thing is, though the 195 passed us, he apparently din stop to pick up passengers either, cos they were flagging down our bus and there were quite a number of them..
so the last 2 stops (till it reached my stop) the driver stopped the bus slightly before the bus stop and only allow alighting passengers.. he din open door for the passengers who were waiting for this bus..
As much as we were bewildered, the ppl at the bus stop looked at us with equally puzzled looks..
it's juz WEIRD O____________O
PS: the bus plate number is 747 cant rem the alphabet, boarded the bus at 8.08pm opposite AH
Monday, June 09, 2008
In office ~ 5th week
muz be walking under the sun?? dun understand why my head feel so funny now..
Went to toa payoh hub with huijun n gang for lunch..
she said she spotted me n nana yest at city link..
she tot we were on double date!! O_O still say 两个男的乖乖跟在后面.. LOL
haha's juz our usual popular gang, celebrating ICH's belated bdae
gotta complain tat i am super broke!! n i havent pay ah gui money jialat..
can pay by acash?? hehe..i got 4k acash left now nia..
fri mayb going pub with my friends cos she is going for exchange soon..
first time going..expensive ma? i cant drink really..
hope mocktails dun knock me out >.<
gotta complain some work too..this week the senior staff of omy had a meeting
and soon enough after lunch..i will be helping another staff to do up her food section..dunno wad the other interns got for the extra work
i will be doing html etc (i will hav to learn from scratch) so my slack days are soon over!!
ahh..i will miss my crunchyroll..hopefully this will make my days pass faster and still not too stressed *cross my fingers*
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Sibeh Sian..
no transparency with tat system, $10 for an email saying no change of result
Got all Bs n 1B-
Super disappointed with my results..
good in a sense tat i din do very bad for the modules i thought i will flunk like 302n china city culture module which i cant rem its module code now zz..
disappointed (tho i had a feeling i will do badly) with 350..
dun be stunned..i got B-...first time ever lowest with peter's module..
the ppl in the class already determined i wun hav a good grade anyway..
why waste my time revising so hard for the god-damn module tat ended so late..
disappointed with 312..think he is not as nice as jeffrey to give us all pretty good grades tho some may not hav the talent to write well but give it their best..
Utterly disappointed and pissed with bs..
those who went for first lec will sure rem the graph tat he showed us..
it was like 10% scoring B n below?
he still boosted tat if u hand in all ur work on time u wun get a B..
then final report is where ppl get all scheming..preparing videos, brochures n you-know-wad they will do to look impressive, tho most of them may not pay attention in lecture or even attending them..
A decent report following his instructions cant even score in this case..
so those will get A while i scored a B???
(no offence to ICH seriously, I am really glad u got A)
Kaoz the biggest schemer is the prof itself, bet he is grinning away how many students took his class n got cheated..
To the prof:
u better be careful of how much hair u hav wun be long before it's all gone
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Wk 4~~ First day of 10am work
Ok la i am pretty happy with this timing cos it leaves me more time to rest at home or do stuff at night..even eat dinner at home (if my mum dun pms)
All my previous bus timings gotta be reset n remembered again haha (for my info:8.59 195 comes, 9.14 93 comes)
I am so freaking sleepy this morning..trying not to look too slack in the morning n attempt to watch my gokusen 2
SO.. i finally started to edit my questionaire after a 2hr discussion w gh..she leaving for canada till sch no stress doing fyp haha..juz personal guilt >.<
Ahhh i am drowsy..even milk tea is not helping!! this teaches me not to train in mong until too late..super good exp tho ^^ i love my ff!! wa 114 hehe..
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Legs sour~~
it's a slighly upslope 2km plus walk..
the whole trail can link from kent ridge park all the way to those who is feeling more athletic can try O_o
unable to post photos cos night time hard to talk with my lousy phone camera..
it was an after-rain walk so still pretty cooling (still humid tho) and able to see stars..
it's pretty well-lit in the canopy walk and there are alot of family n friends walking along the way so there is always company..the walk is rather handicapped friendly cos it's sloped all the way so u dun hav to take any stairs..
the interesting part of the alexandra trail is tat it's metal walkway with see-thru railings so no water will collect on the bridge..since not sheltered except certain stations..the little kids can pee n water the plants below O_O
i walked vivo quite a bit n sort of walked home from alexandra so i am dead tired now..tmr dunno if i hav energy to roller-blade >.<
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Colourgenic Test
You are trying to improve your position and prestige - be it in your life or in your workplace. Things are, at this time, OK - but they could be better. You feel that it is essential that you break down any opposition that could possibly lurk in the shadows. You know that you are quite capable of achieving this set goal because you have to and because it is essential to your self esteem.
You have a high opinion of yourself. It is perhaps because of this self-centredness that you become exasperated when you feel that your needs are misinterpreted by those around you. When this happens - and it does quite often - you feel that there is no-one that can understand the way you feel and it is because of this egocentric self that you are quick to take offence.
You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.
You need to be needed and would like a situation where you will no longer be subjected to pressures and demands from those about you. There is no harm in 'dreaming' but it is you - and only you - that can be able to realise those dreams and to turn them into reality.
-so true..really reflects how i feel now..
Monday, May 26, 2008
(PV) Shuuji to Akira - Seishun Amigo
Nice OST from nobuta wo produce!!
show was ma-ma but i like akira!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
2nd week n e feeling of not being able to blend in with the kids are really starting to drive me into self-withdrawal..
imagine them laughing away sharing jokes n me facing this com listening in..
(i am facing away fr them u see)
ok la even at lunch i really cannot understand their laughing points..
maybe i do..but there's no point in laughing or even smiling about..
2yrs difference is such a big gap meh? mayb guys are still more childish at this age..
also..everyday i will read the news on our webbie..
the sichuan news is always making me tear..
certain photos i see tat are not published can be really saddening..
lastly..i have no drama to watch in office!! it can really make the slack hrs quite unbearable u see..
pls recommend me any nice shows..esp comedy ones..i need a laugh..
weewee, come give me a good quality lame joke..
haix haix..everyday waiting for meal times n knock off time..
i wan my holidays back T____T
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Maple Story 之 外星人传奇
2nd Week of Work
i am tearing i am sniffing away boooo..
kope tissue fr toilet cos i used up one packet already bleahz..
muz be the fatigue from mapling more than 8hrs yest...
successfully lvled twice to 101 now
from now on i shld be shifting to train in mong..n if no prz i am going to burn pots like mad >.<
for my cleric shall chiong monster carnival n lvl to 50..
go in get the maple equipment's quite nice....
bleahz wish i dun hav to think of fyp..
i am lagging quite badly i think..nv do any research at all bleahz..
sneezing like mad..shall end here~
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Scam!!

but then a weird looking alien came n try to pacify the duo..

the photowhore mushroom decided to take a group photo n resolved this matter..

isn't it cute~~


it's all a scam!! the alien is trying to use his power to control them!!
e poor mushroom flattens >_<
See how fast e pig runs =.=
PS: juz being lame.. juz tat the photos are so damn cute