Today pia to ubin again cos tmr will be the start of the special semster which will last for 5wks followed by exam..some ppl will know tat i'll be taking astronomy..looking at the slides tat are already uploaded..touching physics again is not a good sign haiz..wad circular motion tat crap again..hope they wun test us on how to calculate..spare me..this is only an elective module XP
Ok back to what i did for the previous days..sorry for the last post cos i was pmsing and i thank the ppl who showed their concern thru email sms n msn..i'm ok now..juz sian tat school is starting in 14hours' time grrr..Yesterday i went to Grand Plaza Parkroyal Hotel(it's beside funan if u dunno where) to help as student helper for my my division got 3 helpers only since ppl coming in will be v little compared to other divisions..effectively only 44ppl were invited to this dean party (but the dean was not there hah) and not all turned up..those who did turn up left pretty early..we got this big round table where they asked questions n we tried our best to answer them..apparently we got some feedback tat we were friendlier than the NUS ppl (muahahah)..
Putting student helper there is a good option as many students dared not ask the prof at we were bombarded w questions which ranged from choosing subjects to even financial aid haha..we been there since 12.30 so ever since the potential students came as early as 1+ we had been talking non-stop till nearly voice nv sound so hoarse before..despite i kept drinking water..too dry and somehow i dun really like the lightings in the room..gave me a headache..after tat Linda n i went to funan foodcourt to eat some desserts tat can soothe our throats..but in the end i feel it was quite a fun experience..
Today went to ubin early in the morning..thank god the weather is so nice..ok la sunny is much better than rainy days..but the prob this time is without my usual gang guiding me i'm quite lost haha..but i managed to find a few quarries by myself n went to mamam beach too..quite a feat sia..however today the mozzies seem to be particular interested in arm was attacked by 3 mozzies and soon my legs n arms especially were full of bites by those lovable tiny monsters..last resort was to use the insect repellent..managed to put off some but well still bitten quite alot..lucky all bumps gone when we went back i'm red, tired n aching butt n legs..i think this workout gonna last me for the month le haha..i'm going to knock out soon...yawnz...